WHOIS domain lookup的問題,透過圖書和論文來找解法和答案更準確安心。 我們找到下列特價商品、必買資訊和推薦清單

另外網站WHOIS Lookup - edu.au - Domain也說明:The WHOIS service provides a means to query the registry database to check the availability and registration information of edu.au domain names, including the ...

國立臺灣科技大學 資訊工程系 鄧惟中所指導 姚昭宇的 應用網路域名位置特徵於監督式機器學習的詐騙域名偵測 (2020),提出WHOIS domain lookup關鍵因素是什麼,來自於domain、location、feature、ecommerce、scam、network。

而第二篇論文國立中正大學 雲端計算與物聯網數位學習碩士在職專班 潘仁義所指導 張朝麟的 建立以即時通訊平臺為基礎之進階持續性滲透攻擊企業資安評估整合系統 (2019),提出因為有 資訊安全、進階持續性滲透攻擊、聊天機器人的重點而找出了 WHOIS domain lookup的解答。

最後網站WHOis Domain Name Search - Papaki則補充:WHOIS search helps you check the public registration records of a domain name. These records consist of: ... Type your domain name (eg papaki.com) in the field ...


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為了解決WHOIS domain lookup的問題,作者姚昭宇 這樣論述:

Ecommerce scam is a cybercrime that affects online consumer shoppers from nearly every country. Criminal groups implement deceiving ecommerce websites that lure consumers into purchasing their products, only to make away with the consumer’s money without giving the consumer what they had promised t

o sell them. Researchers have utilized a variety of domain features, from website HTML source code features to a domain’s DNS features to create frameworks that could identify ecommerce scam websites. However, much of the previous literature regarding this subject matter has neglected the potentiall

y advantageous use of a domain’s location data to differentiate ecommerce scam websites from benign ecommerce websites. In this thesis, to find novel ways to combat ecommerce scam, the potential application of a domain’s location data as novel features to detect ecommerce scam websites was investiga

ted.The first finding is that through testing with supervised machine learning models, it was discovered that our novel domain location features, in the form of domain location co-occurrences and geographical distances are effective features to detect ecommerce scam domains. Secondly, to our knowled

ge, we are the first researchers to have done a detailed analysis of domain location features between benign and scam ecommerce domains. To which, it was revealed that the location features of ecommerce scam domains, in comparison with benign ecommerce domains, tended to have much lower location co-

occurrences and larger location distances with the country that they were marketing towards. Thirdly, an analysis was performed on the location features in our dataset at a local country level and to our knowledge, we are the first researchers to reveal the current trends in domain location data for

ecommerce scam and benign websites in Taiwan. To which, it was discovered that ecommerce scam domains in Taiwan, in comparison to benign ecommerce domains in Taiwan, evidently possessed more location associations with China and less or none with Taiwan. Conversely, benign ecommerce domains in Taiwa

n, tended to have more location associations with Taiwan, and less or none with China. Therefore, this could serve as strong evidence to suspect that for foreign scam groups targeting a specific country, it is difficult, risky, and or costlier to ensure their scam domain’s various location data are

located in the target country. Hence, the novel domain location features introduced in this thesis appear to be viable features in the detection of ecommerce scam domains, since they are likely not domain data features that scam groups are able to adapt to at a whim to evade detection.


為了解決WHOIS domain lookup的問題,作者張朝麟 這樣論述:

摘要 IAbstract II目錄 IV圖目錄 VI表目錄 VIII第一章 緒論 11.1 研究背景 11.1.1 近期資訊安全威脅介紹 11.1.2 智慧型手機通訊軟體發展 21.2 研究動機與目的 41.3 論文架構 5第二章 文獻探討 62.1 進階持續性滲透攻擊 62.1.1 何謂進階持續性滲透攻擊 62.1.2 進階持續性滲透攻擊週期 62.1.3 APT網路攻擊手法 92.2 社交工程技術 112.2.1 何謂社交工程 112.2.2 社交工程攻擊手段 112.2.3 社交工程攻擊管道 132.3 聊天機器人研究與應用 142.3.1 聊天機器人 142.3.2 LINE BOT

15第三章 系統架構與設計 243.1 系統架構 243.2 對話處理模組 263.3 資訊蒐集模組 263.3.1 域名資訊蒐集元件 283.3.2 系統資訊蒐集元件 303.3.3 公開信箱蒐集元件 313.3.4 密碼洩漏蒐集元件 323.3.5 樣本分析蒐集元件 323.4 全面安檢模組 333.5 自動化警示模組 343.5.1 資料比對元件 353.5.2 風險分級元件 363.5.3 警示標準 363.6 歷史檢視模組 37第四章 系統實作與數據分析 384.1 開發工具與佈署環境 384.2 系統實作 384.2.1 對話處理模組 384.2.2 資訊蒐集模組 394.2.3

資料庫設計 424.2.4 報表網頁 434.3 系統展示 444.3.1 加入好友 444.3.2 各項功能使用 454.4 系統運用 554.5 數據分析與建議 564.6 系統效能 57第五章 結論與未來展望 595.1 結論 595.2 未來展望 59參考文獻 61