DNS lookup的問題,透過圖書和論文來找解法和答案更準確安心。 我們找到下列特價商品、必買資訊和推薦清單

DNS lookup的問題,我們搜遍了碩博士論文和台灣出版的書籍,推薦(美)W.RICHARD STEVENSBILL FENNERANDREW M.RUDOFF寫的 UNIX網絡編程(卷1):套接字聯網API(第3版)(英文版) 和Rooney, Timothy的 IP Address Management: Principles and Practice都 可以從中找到所需的評價。

另外網站Free Online DNS Trace Test | DNS Lookup Tools也說明:First, you can view your local cache by outputting it into a txt file on your machine. To begin, create a directory in your C: drive called "DNS." Then open ...

這兩本書分別來自人民郵電 和所出版 。

國立陽明交通大學 管理學院資訊管理學程 古政元所指導 林家甫的 植基於圖片深度學習的釣魚網站偵測系統 (2021),提出DNS lookup關鍵因素是什麼,來自於釣魚網站、ResNet50、資訊安全、影像辨識、機器學習。

而第二篇論文國立臺灣科技大學 資訊工程系 鄧惟中所指導 姚昭宇的 應用網路域名位置特徵於監督式機器學習的詐騙域名偵測 (2020),提出因為有 domain、location、feature、ecommerce、scam、network的重點而找出了 DNS lookup的解答。

最後網站How to Use Linux dig Command (DNS Lookup) {With Examples}則補充:This comprehensive guide on the Linux dig command (with examples) covers all you need to know to lookup DNS information. Get stated now!


除了DNS lookup,大家也想知道這些:



本書是一部UNIX網絡編程的經典之作。書中全面深入地介紹了如何使用套接字API進行網絡編程。全書不但介紹了基本編程內容,還涵蓋了與套接字編程相關的高級主題,對於客戶/服務器程序的各種設計方法也作了完整的探討,還深入分析了流這種設備驅動機制。本書內容詳盡,幾乎每章都提供精選的習題,並提供了部分習題的答案,是網絡研究和開發人員理想的參考書。[美] W. 理查德·史蒂文斯(W. Richard Stevens),比爾·芬納(Bill Fenner ),安德魯 M. 魯道夫(Andrew M. Rudoff) 譯者:無W. Richard Stevens(1951—1999) 國際知名的UNIX和網絡

專家,備受贊譽的技術作家。生前著有《TCP/IP詳解》(三卷)、《UNIX環境高級編程》和《UNIX網絡編程》(兩卷),均為不朽的經典著作。Bill Fenner AT&T實驗室主任研究員,專攻IP多播、網絡管理和測量,他是IETF路由的領域主管之一,是RFC標准文檔的批准人。Andrew M. Rudoff Sun公司軟件工程師,專攻網絡、操作系統內核、文件系統和高可用性軟件體系結構。 Part 1.Introduction and TCP/IP/簡介ITCP/IPChapter 1.Introduction/簡介1.1Introduction/概述1.2A Simple

Daytime Client/一個簡單的時間獲取客戶程序1.3Protocol Independence/協議無關性1.4Error Handling: Wrapper Functions/錯誤處理:包裝函數1.5A Simple Daytime Server/一個簡單的時間獲取服務器程序1.6Roadmap to Client/Server Examples in the Text/本書中客戶,服務器示例的路線圖1.70SI Model/OSI模型18BSD Networking History/BSD網絡歷史1.9Test Networks and Hosts,測試用網絡及主機1.10U

nix Standards/Unix標准1.1164—Bit Architectures/64位體系結構1.12Summary/小結Chapter 2.The Transport Layer: TOP, UDP, and SCTP/傳輸層:TCP.UDP和SCTP2.1Introduction/概述2.2The Big Picture/全景圖2.3User Datagram Protocol (UDP)/用戶數據報協議2.4Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)/傳輸控制協議2.5Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCT

P)/流控制傳輸協議2.6TCP Connection Establishment and Termination/TCP連接的建立和終止27TIME_WAIT State/TIME_WAIT狀態2.8SCTP Association Establishment and Termination/SCTP關聯的建立和終止2.9Port Numbers/端口號2.10TCP Port Numbers and Concurrent Servers/TCP端口號與並發服務器2.11Buffer Sizes and Limitations/緩沖區大小及限制2.12Standard Internet Se

rvices/標准因特網服務2.13Protocol Usage by Common Internet Applications/常見因特網應用所用的協議2.14Summary/小結Part 2.Elementary Sockets/基本套接字Chanter 3.Sockets Introduction/套接字簡介3.1Introduction/概述3.2Socket Address Structures/套接字地址結構3.3Value—Result Arguments/值一結果參數3.4Byte Ordering Functions/字節排序函數3.5Byte Manipulation Fu

nctions/字節操縱函數3.6inet_aton,inet_addr,and iner_ntoa Functions/inet_aton.inet_addr和inet_ntoa函數3.7inet_pton and iner_ntop FunctionS/inet_pton和inet_ntop函數3.8sock_ntopand RelatedFunctions/sock_ntop和相關函數3.9readn, writen, and readlineFunctions/readn.writen和readline函數3.10Summar/小結Chapter 4.Elementary TCP So

ckets/基本TCP套接字4.1Introduction/概述4.2socketFunction/socket函數4.3connectFunction/connect函數4.4bind Function/bind函數4.5listen Function/listen函數4.6accept Function/accept函數4.7forkand exec Functions/fork和exec函數4.8Concurrent Servers/並發服務器4.9close Function/close函數4.10geLsockname and getpeernameFunctions/getsock

name和getpeername函數4.11Summary/小結Chapter 5.TCP Client/Server Example/TCP客戶/服務器示例5.1Introduction/概述5.2TCP Echo Server: mainFunction,TCP回送服務器程序:main函數5.3TCP Echo Server: str_ecrioFunction/TCP回送服務器程序:str_echo函數5.4TCP Echo Client: mainFunction/TCP回送客戶程序:main函數5.5TCP Echo Client: str_cliFunction/TCP回送客戶程序

:str_cli函數5.6Normal Startup/正常啟動5.7Normal Termination/正常終止5.8POSIX Signal Handling/POSIX信號處理5.9Handling SICCHLD Signals/處理SIGCHLD信號5.10waitand waitpidFunctions /wait和waitpid函數5.11Connection Abort before accept Returns/accept返回前連接異常中止5.12Termination of Server Process/服務器進程的終止5.13SIGPIPE Signal/SIGPIP

E信號5.14Crashing of Server Host/服務器主機崩潰5.15Crashing and Rebooting of Server Host/服務器主機崩潰及重啟5.16Shutdown of Server Host/服務器主機關機5.17Summary of TCP Example/TCP示例小結5.18Data Format/數據格式5.19Summary/小結Chapter 6.I/O Multiplexing: The selectand pollFunctions/I/O多路復用:select和poll函數6.1Introduction/概述6.2I/O Model

s/1/0模型6.3selectFunction/select函數6.4str_cli Function (Revisited)/再訪str_cli函數6.5Batch Input and Buffering/批量輸入和緩沖6.6shutdown Function/shutdown函數6.7str_cli Function (Revisited Again)/三顧str_cli函數6.8TCP Echo Server (Revisited)/再訪TCP回送服務器程序6.9pselect Function /pselect函數6.10poll Function/poil函數6.11TCP Ech

o Server (Revisited Again)/三顧TCP回送服務器程序6.12Summary/小結Chapter 7Socket Options/套接字選項7.1Introduction/概述7.2getsockopt and setsockoptFunctions/getsockopt和setsockopt函數7.3Checking if an Option Is Supported and Obtaining the Default/檢查選項是否被支持並獲取默認值17.4Socket States/套接字狀態7.5Generic Socket Options/通用套接字選項7.6I

Pv4 Socket Options/IPv4套接字選項77ICMPv6 Socket Option /ICMPv6套接字選項78IPv6 Socket Options /IPv6套接字選項7.9TCP Socket Options /TCP套接字選項7.10SCTP Socket Options/SCTP套接字選項7.11fcntl Function/fcntl函數7.12Summary/小結Chapter 8Elementary UDP Sockets/基本UDP套接字8.1Introduction/概述8.2recvfrom and sencltoFunctions/recvfrom和s

endto函數8.3UDP Echo Server: main Function/UDP回送服務器程序:main函數8.4UDP Echo Server: dg_ecrioFunctionUDP回送服務器程序:dg_e cho函數8.5UDP Echo Client: mainFunction/UDP回送客戶程序:main函數8.6UDP Echo Client: dg_cliFunction/UDP回送客戶程序:dg_cli函數8.7Lost Datagrams/數據報的丟失8.8Verifying Received Response/驗證接收到的響應8.9Server Not Runnin

g/服務器程序未運行8.10Summary of UDP Example/UDP示例小結8.11connectFunction with UDP/UDP的connect函數8.12dg_cli Function (Revisited)/再論dg_cli函數8.13Lack of Flow Control with UDP/UDP缺乏流量控制8.14Determining Outgoing Interface with UDP/UDP中的外出接口的確定8.15TCP and UDP Echo Server Using select/使用select函數的TCP和UDP回送服務器程序8.16Sum

mary/小結Chapter 9.Elementary SCTP Sockets/基本SCTP套接字9.1Introduction/概述9.2Interface Models/接口模型9.3sctp_bindx Function/sctp_bindx函數9.4sctp_connectxFunction/sctp_connectx函數9.5sctp_getpaddrs Function/sctp_getpaddrs函數9.6sctp_freepaddrs Function/sctp_freepaddrs函數9.7sctp_getladdrs Function/sctp_getladdrs函數9.

8sctp_freeladdrs Function/sctp_freeladdrs函數9.9sc tp_sendmsg Functiori/sctp_s endmsg函數9.10sctp_recvmsg Function/ sc tp_recvmsg函數9.11sctp_opt_info Function/sctp_opt_in fo函數9.12sctp_peeloff Function/sct p_peeloff函數9.13shutdown Function/shutdown函數9.14Notifications/通知9.15Summary/小結Chapter 10.SCTP Client/

Server Example/SCTP客戶/服務器示例10.1Introduction/概述10.2SCTP One—to—Many—Style Streaming Echo Server:mainFunction/SCTP—到多式流分回送服務器程序:main函數10.3SCTP One—to—Many—Style Streaming Echo Client:mainFunction/SCTP—到多式流分回送客戶程序:main函數10.4SCTP Streaming Echo Client: str_cliFunction/SCTP流分回送客戶程序:str_cli函數10.5Exploring

Head—of—Line Blocking/探究頭端阻塞10.6Controlling the Number of Streams/控制流的數目10.7Controlling Termination/控制終止10.8Summary/小結Chapter 11.Name and Address Conversions/名字與地址轉換11.1Introduction/概述11.2Domain Name System (DNS)/域名系統11.3gethostbyname Function/gethos tbyname函數11.4gethostbyaddrFunction/gethostbyaddr

函數11.5getservbyname and getservbyportFunctions/getservbyname和getservbyport函數11.6getaddrinfo Function/getaddrinfo函數11.7gai_strerror Function/gai_strerror函數11.8freeaddrinfoFunction/ freeaddrinfo函數11.9getaddrinfo Furictiori:IPv6/get addrinfo函數:IPv611.10getaddrinfoFunction: Examples/getaddrinfo函數:示例11.1

1host_serv Function /host_serv函數11.12tcp_connect Function/tcp_connect函數11.13tcp_listen Function/tcp_listen函數11.14udp_client Function/udp_client函數11.15udp_connect Function/udp_connect函數11.16udp_server Function/udp_server函數11.17getnameinfo Function/getnameinfo函數11.18Re—entrant Functions/可重入函數11.19geth

ostbyname_rand gethostbyaddr_rFunctions/gethostbyname_r和gethostbyaddr_r函數11.20Obsolete IPv6 Address Lookup Functions/廢棄的IPv6地址解析函數11.21Other Networking Information/其他聯網信息11.22Summary/小結……Part 3.Advanced Sockets/高級套接字Appendix A.IPv4, IPv6, ICMPv4, and ICMPv6 / IPv4.IPv6.ICMPv4和ICMPv6Appendix B.Virtua

l Networks/虛擬網絡Appendix C.Debugging Techniques/調試技術Appendix D.Miscellaneous Source Code/其他源代碼Appendix E.Solutions to Selected Exercises/精選習題答案Bibliography/參考文獻


為了解決DNS lookup的問題,作者林家甫 這樣論述:

摘要 iAbstract ii誌謝 iv目錄 v表目錄 vii圖目錄 viii第一章 緒論 11.1背景與動機 11.2 研究目的 11.3 方法與實驗分析 21.4 章節架構 3第二章 文獻收集與探討 52.1 相關文獻分析 52.1.1 網路釣魚(Phishing)的定義 52.1.2 文獻討論 7第三章 實驗方法與設計 153.1 研究流程 153.1.1 實驗環境 153.1.2 實驗流程 153.2 預處理作業 163.2.1 樣本收集及篩選 163.2.2

原始欄位分類 163.2.3 特徵值轉換與建置 183.3 實驗分析 213.3.1 分析指標 213.3.2 決策樹(DTs)採樣 223.3.3 隨機森林(RF)採樣 233.4 特徵值權重(Importance) 243.5 ResNet50模型建立 263.5.1 RGB圖形轉換 263.5.2 ResNet50影像辨識 27第四章 結果蒐集與分析 294.1 實驗結果 294.1.1決策樹訓練結果 294.1.2隨機森林訓練結果 334.1.3權重著色法 354.2 研究分析與比較 42

第五章 結論與展望 445.1 研究總結 445.2 未來展望 44參考文獻 46附錄 50

IP Address Management: Principles and Practice

為了解決DNS lookup的問題,作者Rooney, Timothy 這樣論述:

This book will be the first covering the subject of IP address management (IPAM). The practice of IPAM includes the application of network management disciplines to IP address space and associated network services, namely DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) and DNS (Domain Name System). Th

e consequence of inaccurately configuring DHCP is that end users may not be able to obtain IP addresses to access the network. Without proper DNS configuration, usability of the network will greatly suffer as the name-to-address lookup process may fail. Imagine having to navigate to a website or sen

d an email or an instant message by IP address instead of by name It's equally important that these DHCP and DNS configurations be based on a common IP address plan, which maps out the IP address hierarchy, subnets, address pools, and domains. IPAM applies management disciplines to these core serv

ices, including configuration, change control, auditing, reporting and so on, and they are necessary given the absolute requirement for properly managing IP space and DHCP and DNS servers. The linkages among an IP address plan, DHCP server configuration and DNS server configuration are inseparable;

a change of an IP address will affect DNS information and perhaps DHCP as well. These functions provide the foundation for today's converged services IP networks, so they need to be managed using a rigorous approach. Today, there is no single book that covers the management of these linkages and ser

vices they provide; IP Address Management Principles and Practice will fill that gap. While several books are available for leading vendors' DHCP and DNS services implementations, few exist for IP address planning, and none exist that unifies these three topics. To obtain a free copy of the IPAM Con

figuration Guide please send an email to: [email protected]


為了解決DNS lookup的問題,作者姚昭宇 這樣論述:

Ecommerce scam is a cybercrime that affects online consumer shoppers from nearly every country. Criminal groups implement deceiving ecommerce websites that lure consumers into purchasing their products, only to make away with the consumer’s money without giving the consumer what they had promised t

o sell them. Researchers have utilized a variety of domain features, from website HTML source code features to a domain’s DNS features to create frameworks that could identify ecommerce scam websites. However, much of the previous literature regarding this subject matter has neglected the potentiall

y advantageous use of a domain’s location data to differentiate ecommerce scam websites from benign ecommerce websites. In this thesis, to find novel ways to combat ecommerce scam, the potential application of a domain’s location data as novel features to detect ecommerce scam websites was investiga

ted.The first finding is that through testing with supervised machine learning models, it was discovered that our novel domain location features, in the form of domain location co-occurrences and geographical distances are effective features to detect ecommerce scam domains. Secondly, to our knowled

ge, we are the first researchers to have done a detailed analysis of domain location features between benign and scam ecommerce domains. To which, it was revealed that the location features of ecommerce scam domains, in comparison with benign ecommerce domains, tended to have much lower location co-

occurrences and larger location distances with the country that they were marketing towards. Thirdly, an analysis was performed on the location features in our dataset at a local country level and to our knowledge, we are the first researchers to reveal the current trends in domain location data for

ecommerce scam and benign websites in Taiwan. To which, it was discovered that ecommerce scam domains in Taiwan, in comparison to benign ecommerce domains in Taiwan, evidently possessed more location associations with China and less or none with Taiwan. Conversely, benign ecommerce domains in Taiwa

n, tended to have more location associations with Taiwan, and less or none with China. Therefore, this could serve as strong evidence to suspect that for foreign scam groups targeting a specific country, it is difficult, risky, and or costlier to ensure their scam domain’s various location data are

located in the target country. Hence, the novel domain location features introduced in this thesis appear to be viable features in the detection of ecommerce scam domains, since they are likely not domain data features that scam groups are able to adapt to at a whim to evade detection.