刑法的問題,透過圖書和論文來找解法和答案更準確安心。 我們找到下列特價商品、必買資訊和推薦清單

刑法的問題,我們搜遍了碩博士論文和台灣出版的書籍,推薦Mariniello, Triestino寫的 The Concept of Gravity in the Statute of the International Criminal Court: Jurisdiction, Admissibility and Sentencing 和Beggs Qc, John,Davies Obe Qc, Hugh的 Police Misconduct, Complaints, and Public Regulation都 可以從中找到所需的評價。

另外網站中華民國刑法- 维基文库,自由的图书馆也說明:相关中华人民共和国法律法规,可参见中华人民共和国刑法。 Template:ROC-MP-law. 本文是中華民國法規。 相關日本法, ...

這兩本書分別來自 和所出版 。

國立臺北大學 法律學系一般生組 曾淑瑜所指導 邱云莉的 人工智慧之刑法相關議題研究 (2021),提出刑法關鍵因素是什麼,來自於人工智慧、法律人格、容許風險、自動駕駛、兩難困境、智慧醫療。

而第二篇論文國立政治大學 法律學系 謝如媛所指導 呂欣恬的 死刑以外,生刑之極-終身刑之研究 (2021),提出因為有 終身監禁、無期徒刑、無假釋終身監禁、死刑替代刑、終身刑的重點而找出了 刑法的解答。

最後網站欲加之罪,何患无辞,一个民族用血和泪换来的对刑法经验总结則補充:在法治社会,刑法不再是刀把子,而是双刃剑,一刃针对犯罪,一刃针对国家权力。 德国法学家拉德布鲁赫,最初是法律实证主义者,认为法律就是人定的规则, ...



The Concept of Gravity in the Statute of the International Criminal Court: Jurisdiction, Admissibility and Sentencing

為了解決刑法的問題,作者Mariniello, Triestino 這樣論述:

Dr Triestino Mariniello is a Senior Lecturer in Law and Programme Leader of the LL.M. in International Justice and Human Rights, Edge Hill University, UK. His research interests focus on international criminal law, criminal justice and human rights, international humanitarian law and European crimin

al law. He has published widely on these and related areas.



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為了解決刑法的問題,作者邱云莉 這樣論述:

「人工智慧」係指擁有類似人類智慧的電腦程式,透過電腦的發明、網際網路的盛行、人類神經細胞的分析與仿造等,人類的智慧得以在機器上重現且漸趨完整。尤其在大數據及深度學習出現後,再次將人工智慧發展推向另一波高潮,惟在新技術問世後,許多問題即陸續接踵而來。而人工智慧與其他新科技技術不同的是其擁有如同人類智慧般的思考模式,甚至連程式設計者本身皆無法完全了解其演算過程。也因為人工智慧的難預測性、不透明性等問題,對於傳統刑法體系將可能造成衝擊,例如人工智慧是否具有法律人格的問題,以及發生損害結果時應如何劃分責任歸屬的爭議。 本文主要透過文獻分析、比較研究及綜合歸納的方法進行研究。首先針對人工智慧是否

具有法律人格的問題進行釐清,本文認為基於人工智慧技術目前的發展狀況,應採取否定說,唯有未來真出現完全不受人類程式編列限制、可依自主意識行為的強人工智慧時,才應例外採取區分說。 接著本文將分別介紹人工智慧的三大應用領域-自動駕駛、司法系統及醫療系統。除了介紹人工智慧在各領域應用的基礎外,也將分別提出人工智慧將帶來的影響,以及發生刑法爭議時責任歸屬的劃分。尤其是當人類與人工智慧共同造成損害結果時,刑事責任應如何歸責即成為重點。本文將分析現有的學說文獻及相關見解,並提出個人見解,希望可藉此提供解決之道。而目前人工智慧仍處於剛開始發展的狀態,為了促進人工智慧的發展,政府應建立良好的實驗場域供民間


Police Misconduct, Complaints, and Public Regulation

為了解決刑法的問題,作者Beggs Qc, John,Davies Obe Qc, Hugh 這樣論述:

Police Misconduct, Complaints, and Public Regulation covers the highly sensitive topic of who polices the police. The book provides comprehensive coverage of the law and procedure relating to the regulation of the police, offering practical guidance on complaint and misconduct hearings, as well as d

etailed analysis of the powers of the IPCC and of its statutory guidance. It includes dedicated chapters on related sets of proceedings, notably the complaints and discipline process (from recording the complaint through to the Police Appeals Tribunal), specific criminal offences (such as misconduct

in public office and manslaughter), inquest proceedings, public inquiries, and judicial review. The new edition has been rigorously updated to reflect the substantial developments in the law since the introduction of the Police (Conduct) Regulations 2012 and the Police Reform and Social Responsibil

ity Act 2011, including the powers and duties of the new Police and Crime Commissioners. The authors bring together, in a detailed and practical narrative, the relevant statutory powers, secondary legislation, statutory guidance, and increasing body of High Court jurisprudence. Appendices include al

l the key rules and regulations and associated Home Office Guidance under the 2012 performance and misconduct regimes, as well as the 2012 Police Appeals Tribunal Rules. Written by expert barristers with unrivalled experience representing and advising police forces and officers, this highly-regarded

book is an invaluable resource for all practitioners involved in police misconduct. John Beggs QC, Barrister, Serjeants’ Inn Chambers, Hugh Davies OBE QC, Barrister, Three Raymond BuilidingsJohn Beggs QC is a barrister at Serjeants’ Inn Chambers, called in 1989. His practice is mainly related to

the police service: he has represented most police forces in the UK and has appeared in many of the high profile trials, discipline hearings, inquests, inquiries, and judicial reviews involving the police over the last decade, prosecuting and defending in the major police misconduct cases. He has le

ctured widely to police forces. Hugh Davies OBE QC is a barrister at Three Raymond Buildings, called in 1990. His practice spans criminal and police law including proceedings relating to the actions and accountability of police forces and police officers and advising and representing police officers

at public inquiries, inquests, IPCC supervised investigations, and internal disciplinary proceedings. He has lectured widely to police forces.


為了解決刑法的問題,作者呂欣恬 這樣論述:

隨著世界上越來越多國家相繼廢除死刑,終身刑(Life Sentences,或稱Life Imprisonment)成為死刑以外最為嚴厲之刑罰,在國際上亦被廣泛使用。過往,我國對於終身刑之討論大多聚焦於是否以此作為死刑之替代刑,然而終身刑之本質,及其適用與影響卻甚少被重視。有鑑於此,本文擬以終身刑為研究重點,就其源起、定義、類型,以及比較法上適用概況為介紹,並就我國是否要增訂無假釋終身刑,以及現行無期徒刑有關規定可能致生之問題為討論。