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derive from中文的問題,我們搜遍了碩博士論文和台灣出版的書籍,推薦Dominic Steavu寫的 The Writ of the Three Sovereigns:From Local Lore to Institutional Daoism 和吳青樺的 專欄英語好有趣(隨書附贈作者親錄導讀+外籍名師標準英語發音MP3)都 可以從中找到所需的評價。

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這兩本書分別來自香港中文大學 和瑞蘭國際所出版 。

國立政治大學 應用數學系 陳隆奇所指導 陳濬程的 暫現狀態下具長域隨機漫步在整數晶格點的格林函數與容積的漸近行為 (2021),提出derive from中文關鍵因素是什麼,來自於長域隨機漫步、格林函數、容積。

而第二篇論文東方設計大學 文化創意設計研究所 黃佳慧所指導 顏維廷的 禮讓救護車宣導圖卡手拿板之創作研究 (2021),提出因為有 緊急救護、禮讓救護車、雙鑽石流程、重要度-表現分析法的重點而找出了 derive from中文的解答。

最後網站derived by - Linguee | 中英词典(更多其他语言)則補充:大量翻译例句关于"derived by" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。


除了derive from中文,大家也想知道這些:

The Writ of the Three Sovereigns:From Local Lore to Institutional Daoism

為了解決derive from中文的問題,作者Dominic Steavu 這樣論述:

  In 648 CE, Tang imperial authorities collected every copy of the Writ of the Three Sovereigns (Sanhuang wen) from the four corners of the empire and burned them. The formidable talismans at its core were said not only to extend their owners’ lifespan and protect against misfortune, but also propel

them to stratospheric heights of power, elevating them to the rank of high minister or even emperor. Only two or three centuries earlier, this controversial text was unknown in most of China with the exception of Jiangnan in the south, where it was regarded as essential local lore. In the span of a

few generations, the Writ of the Three Sovereigns would become the cornerstone of one of the three basic corpora of the Daoist Canon, a pillar of Daoism—and a perceived threat to the state.   This study, the only book-length treatment of the Writ of the Three Sovereigns in any language, traces the

text’s transition from local tradition to empire-wide institutional religion. The volume begins by painting the social and historical backdrop against which the scripture emerged in early fourth century Jiangnan before turning to its textual history. It reflects on the work’s centerpiece artifacts,

the potent talismans in celestial script, as well as other elements of its heritage, namely alchemical elixirs and “true form” diagrams. During the fifth and sixth centuries, with Daoism coalescing into a formal organized religion, the Writ of the Three Sovereigns took on a symbolic role as a litur

gical token of initiation while retaining its straightforward language of sovereignty and strong political overtones, which eventually led to its prohibition. The writ endured, however, and later experienced a revival as its influence spread as far as Japan. Despite its central role in the developme

nt of institutional Daoism, the Writ of the Three Sovereigns has remained an understudied topic in Chinese history. Its fragmentary textual record combined with the esoteric nature of its content have shrouded it in speculation. This volume provides a lucid reconstruction of the text’s hidden histor

y and enigmatic practices while shedding light on its contributions to the religious landscape of medieval China. 好評推薦   “This is a substantial, satisfying work dedicated to exploring one of the main missing elements in our knowledge of the Daoist Canon in its original formulation. Following a met

iculous account of the origins of Three Sovereigns literature, Dominic Steavu goes on to make the very valid point that talismans, elixirs, and charts―not generally considered part of the transmission of scriptures in modern scholarship―constituted a nonverbal medium central to this religious tradit

ion. While many readers will derive benefit from this knowledge even if they themselves are not particularly concerned with medieval Daoism, specialists will be glad to see a gap in our knowledge of early Daoist scriptures filled in such a thoroughly professional manner.”―T. H. Barrett, emeritus pro

fessor, SOAS China Institute   作者簡介 Dominic Steavu   Dominic Steavu is associate professor of Chinese religions and Chinese Buddhism at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Series Editors’ Preface vii Acknowledgments ix Conventions xiii Introduction 1 Chapter One 17 e Writ in E

arly Medieval Southern China Chapter Two 49 e Religious Life of Objects: e Talismans of the Writ and eir Surviving Fragments Chapter Three 83 Beyond Talismans: Alchemy, Charts, and Meditation in Relation to the Writ Chapter Four 121 From Local Lore to Universal Dao: e Cavern of Divinity and the Earl

y Daoist Canon Chapter Five 155 e Writ and Its Corpus: e Rise and Fall of the Cavern of Divinity in Institutional Daoism Conclusion 193 Appendix 1 215 List of Variant Titles for the Writ of the Three Sovereigns (Sanhuang wen) in Early Medieval Sources Appendix 2 219 Synopsis of the Principal Six Dyn

asties Sources Containing Fragments of the Writ of the Three Sovereigns (Sanhuang wen) and Its Oral Instructions Appendix 3 225 Comparative List of Talismans from the “Essential Instructions from the Western Citadel on the Great Characters in Celestial Script of the Three Sovereigns” (Xicheng yaojue

sanhuang tianwen dazi) and the “Essential functions of the ree Sovereigns” (Sanhuang yaoyong pin) Appendix 4 231 Comparative Inventory of Transmission Gages Associated with the Writ of the Three Sovereigns (Sanhuang wen) Notes 237 Works Cited 317 Index 355  


為了解決derive from中文的問題,作者陳濬程 這樣論述:

在整數晶格 Zd 上的隨機漫步 S_n^x = x + X1 + X2 +...+ Xn,Xi, i = 1, 2, · · · , n 皆獨立且具有相同分佈 D(x)。此論文,我們假設 D(x) 在 Zd 空間情形下擁有對稱性且當 |x| → ∞ 時,遞減速率為 |x|−d−α,其中 α ∈ (0, ∞) \ {2} 且 d > α ∧ 2。本文主要是探討此具長域隨機漫步下的一些 漸近行為。第一個主要結果在於獲得此模型之格林函數的漸近行為,此外 我們還得到主要項係數及其收斂速度;第二個主要結果在討論容積的漸近 行為,並且進一步得到在長域隨機漫步下的 Wiener’s Criterion。


為了解決derive from中文的問題,作者吳青樺 這樣論述:

新聞英語太深、太難、太專業? 讓《專欄英語好有趣》推翻這個想法, 帶你從生活文化面切入,不再害怕新聞英語、 重新認識新聞英語、愛上新聞英語! 並同步培養聽說讀寫4大能力,和外國人交談不再找不到話題!   至今已連續4年在工商時報刊載英語副刊的專欄作家──吳青樺老師,結合於大專院校及留學機構的教學經驗、企業外派的訓練、在業界的翻譯及寫作經驗,收集橫跨生活、時尚、飲食、科技、商業、當代議題、求職等各大類的46篇英語專欄,輔以作者親自錄製的生動導讀MP3,你會發現,新聞英語其實也可以很有趣!   ►全書8大主題,橫跨最多領域   本書分為8大主題,廣泛收錄生活、時尚、飲食、科技、

商業、當代議題、求職等各類英語專欄,包含不同元素,給你最豐富多元的英語專欄!   1. Everyday English日常生活大小事   剛才打了個噴嚏,是cold還是seasonal allergies呢?尖峰時刻想要hail a cab,卻沒有半台空車?今天諸事不順,簡直就是a bad hair day?對於每天會遇到的各種問題、情境,該使用什麼生活英語,都在這裡告訴你!   2. Lifestyles and Fashion生活風尚潮流   聽說UNIQLO、ZARA又在做特價了,不快去搶masstige還在等什麼?Instagram超流行的「#TBT」,你跟上了嗎?要和朋友在家舉

辦potluck、tea party還是cocktail party才好呢?快一起來學習生活時尚、流行相關的英語知識,讓你成為潮流達人!   3. Food and Beverages餐飲英語   你也是sweet tooth嗎?受夠了一成不變的cubicle cuisine嗎?假日想睡到自然醒,再來頓悠閒的brunch嗎?不只要會吃美食,更要會說餐飲英語!   4. At the Office辦公室現象   在老闆眼中,你是Stepford worker還是clocksucker?同事上班愛偷懶,老是goof off嗎?老闆這樣為難員工是否crossed the line了呢?這個單元告

訴你,要怎麼用英語來討論上班族在辦公室內的各式生態!   5. Technology and Innovations科技革新   資料儲存在cloud,我的個資安全嗎?每天打開電子信箱,就看到好多spam?如何善用Apps讓你我的生活更便利?生活中處處可見的科技英語知識,當然不能錯過!   6. Business and Economics商業經濟   生活中處處是廣告,是否變成了wildposting?環保愛地球,LCE和LFFE要怎麼做?熱門話題主角之一的big data,到底是什麼?帶你掌握商業經濟英語關鍵字!   7. News Report and Current Issues

新聞報導與當代議題   全球都在瘋的ice bucket challenge,目的是什麼?美國遭遇hurricane過後,如何重新站起來?Starbucks推出美金1元的reusable tumbler,能成功減少資源浪費嗎?各類新聞報導與當代重要議題,不僅學到新聞英語,也獲得更多新知!   8. Resume Skills and Job Interview履歷求職大作戰   resume怎麼寫才能吸引求才者的目光?投了履歷卻遲遲等不到回音,該怎麼避免resume black hole呢?college job seeker第一次求職要注意哪些事情?抓到履歷求職英語的重點,幫助你有更好的表

現!   ►內容編排輕鬆好玩,是對你最貼心的設計   為了讓每個翻開《專欄英語好有趣》的讀者,都能夠持續保持學習動力,作者在內容上的編排都下足苦心,每篇專欄不僅使用英中同步對照來呈現,更適時加入模擬情境對話,更親切活潑;而焦點英語只精選2至3個關鍵字,輕鬆無負擔;最後再提供衍生用語或文化小常識,常保新鮮感!   ‧英中同步對照,立刻親近英語   全書專欄中的英語敘述,都有中文的同步對照,有任何看不懂的地方,都可以迅速參考中文,不因排斥全英語而降低學習英語的意願,拉近你和英語之間的距離。   例:   Why is “Throwback Thursday” so popular? S

ocial media is used for sharing our lives, and people love the feeling of nostalgia in addition to what is happening.   為何這種「懷舊週四」的主題(在英語世界)如此受歡迎?人們使用社群網路來分享生活,而分享當下之外,大家還喜愛懷舊的感覺。   ‧模擬情境對話,活潑實用又有趣   在生活相關的主題分類中,適時加入了模擬情境對話,讓內容更加活潑,而在專欄內容的書寫英語中,也能透過對話學習口語英語,還可以一邊聽MP3、一邊學習正確的英語發音。   例:   Server:

How would you like your eggs done?   服務生:請問您的蛋要如何製作?   Customer: Scrambled, please. And please make sure they aren’t too runny.   客人:炒蛋,謝謝,請幫我確認不要太生。   Server: Sure. And would you like bacon, ham or sausages?   服務生:好的。那請問您要培根、火腿、還是香腸?   Customer: Bacon sounds good. Make it crispy, please.   客人:培

根聽起來不錯,請幫我做脆一點。   ‧焦點英語,非學不可的精華   擁有多年專欄執筆經驗,作者深知在短時間內要讓翻看報紙、閱讀新聞的讀者能有效獲得新知,關鍵就在於「精」。在書中依然貫徹這個信念,焦點英語只揀選出2至3個重點關鍵字,再提供音標、詞性、中文解釋、例句等資訊,份量精簡,學習完全沒有負擔!   例:   throw back 回顧、懷舊、緬懷   e.g. Getting old means sometimes you would throw back to the good old day.   例句:年紀越長,代表有時你會回顧過往美好的時光。   nostalgia [n

ɑs'tældʒɪə] (n.) 鄉愁、思鄉、念舊感   e.g. Strolling down the small town and having the street food gave him a feeling of nostalgia thinking of his childhood memory here.   例句:在小鎮閒逛,一邊吃著路邊小吃,讓他感到一陣鄉愁,想起了孩提時代在這裡的回憶。   ‧英語小常識、衍生用語,補充語言文化資訊   補充關鍵字的同義用法、詞語來源、衍生用語等語言文化的相關資料,想要增進額外知識的你,也可以善加利用!   例:   Sundae?

Sunday? 「聖代」的英語由來:   According to Oxford English Dictionary, the spelling and pronunciation of “sundae” derive from “Sunday”. And it has been generally accepted with the origin of the Sunday laws, a.k.a. the Blue Laws, in 1890 in Illinois in the United States, where they outlawed the sale of ice c

ream on Sundays. Hence, the invention of sundae came with scoops of ice cream topped with fruits, whipped cream and nuts with the sauce of syrup.   這道和Sunday發音一樣且拼字相似的冰淇淋甜點,英語出處的確源自Sunday一字!根據牛津英語字典,美國伊利諾州在1890年曾頒佈「週日冰淇淋消費禁令」。遂有人發明了加上水果、糖漿、堅果、鮮奶油等配料的甜點,因在週日販賣,便取名Sundae(聖代),既不違反法律、又能吃到以冰淇淋為主體的甜點!  

 全書的8大主題,從日常生活到當代議題的討論,都以英中對照、淺顯易懂的方式,帶領你體會專欄英語的趣味,還能藉不同類型的專欄獲取新知,而作者親錄的導讀MP3、實用的情境對話、精簡的焦點英語、好玩的小常識,更讓學習英語的過程沒有負擔、不斷有新發現,翻開《專欄英語好有趣》,重新認識新聞英語!   本書5大特色,學習專欄英語如虎添翼!   1.全書8大主題,橫跨最多領域!   本書分為8大主題,廣泛收錄生活、時尚、飲食、科技、商業、當代議題、求職等各類英語專欄,包含不同元素,給你最豐富多元的英語專欄!   2.大量的照片、活潑的排版,閱讀更愉快!   如同報紙專欄搭配多樣照片,書中也依不同的專欄

主題設計文字安排,並置入大量的配圖,就像真正在閱讀報紙專欄一樣,有趣又好玩!   3.從生活出發,最貼近日常!   新聞與我們的生活息息相關,收錄於書中的專欄,都是從作者的生活經驗、所見所聞去發想,尤其著重於生活、文化面,不讓專業領域相關的英語專欄令你卻步!   4.精心設計內容編排,學習更好玩!   使用英中同步對照來呈現,更適時加入模擬情境對話,更親切活潑;而焦點英語只精選2至3個關鍵字,輕鬆無負擔;最後再提供衍生用語或文化小常識,新鮮又好玩!   5.作者親錄MP3,生動帶領你學習,專欄英語好有趣!   由作者親自錄製導讀MP3,加上情境對話的標準發音,讓你既可邊看邊聽,也能用聽的



為了解決derive from中文的問題,作者顏維廷 這樣論述:


