Satire Definition的問題,透過圖書和論文來找解法和答案更準確安心。 我們找到下列特價商品、必買資訊和推薦清單

Satire Definition的問題,我們搜遍了碩博士論文和台灣出版的書籍,推薦PaulAllenMiller,AlexanderBeecroft,BennettYu-HsiangFu,NicolasVazs寫的 Digitalizing the Global Text:Philosophy, Literature, and Culture 和Borsing, Christopher的 Daniel Defoe and the Representation of Personal Identity都 可以從中找到所需的評價。

另外網站Satire and definition | Request PDF - ResearchGate也說明:Request PDF | Satire and definition | This paper explores some of the difficulties involved in defining satire. Neither the formal characteristics of satire ...

這兩本書分別來自國立臺灣大學出版中心 和所出版 。

元智大學 資訊管理學系 楊錦生所指導 鄭楊銘的 文本特徵於假新聞分類之效能評估 (2021),提出Satire Definition關鍵因素是什麼,來自於假新聞檢測、文本特徵、效能評估、機器學習。

而第二篇論文國立臺灣藝術大學 多媒體動畫藝術學系動畫藝術碩士班 鐘世凱所指導 陳冠伶的 3D 動畫《推手》之創作論述 (2021),提出因為有 黑色幽默、藝術表現、網路霸凌、3D 動畫的重點而找出了 Satire Definition的解答。

最後網站Satire - New World Encyclopedia則補充:A very common, almost defining feature of satire is its strong vein of irony or sarcasm, using parody, exaggeration, juxtaposition, comparison, analogy, and ...


除了Satire Definition,大家也想知道這些:

Digitalizing the Global Text:Philosophy, Literature, and Culture

為了解決Satire Definition的問題,作者PaulAllenMiller,AlexanderBeecroft,BennettYu-HsiangFu,NicolasVazs 這樣論述:

  A few years ago globalism seemed to be both a known and inexorable phenomenon. With the end of the Cold War, the opening of the Chinese economy, and the ascendancy of digital technology, the prospect of a unified flow of goods and services and of people and ideas seemed unstoppable. Yes,

there were pockets of resistance and reaction, but these, we were told, would be swept away in a relentless tide of free markets and global integration that would bring Hollywood, digital fi nance, and fast food to all.   Nonetheless, we have begun to experience the backlash against a global world

founded on digital fungibility, and the perils of appeals to nationalism, identity, and authenticity have become only too apparent. The anxieties and resentments produced by this new world order among those left behind are oft en manifested in assertions of xenophobia and particularity. The “other”

is coming to take what is ours, and we must defend ourselves!   Digitalizing the Global Text is a collection of essays by an international group of scholars that situate themselves squarely at this nexus of forces. Together they examine how literature, culture, and philosophy in the global and dig

ital age both enable the creation of these simultaneously utopian and dystopian worlds and offer resistance to them. 好評推薦   “Digitalizing the Global Text is a vibrant volume that explores the paradoxes of the local, the global, and the universal, with particular emphasis on the digital humanities.

This wonderful collection of essays from an accomplished global group of contributors will be of wide interest to humanities scholars.”--- Jeffrey R. Di Leo, University of Houston–Victoria   “Traversing historical periods and national boun d aries, with topics ranging from Plato to ‘Gang nam Style

,’ the essays in Digitalizing the Global Text represent a vast array of perspectives while resisting the tendency to fetishize or hype the global. This collection represents a major contribution to the study of world literatures and cultures.”--- ROBERT T. TALLY JR., Texas State University   “Digit

alizing the Global Text is a splendid contribution to the ongoing work of challenging globalism. Refusing to settle for its dominant neoliberal form, marked by the digitization of knowledge and homogenization of cultural production, this volume pursues alternative forms of life—recalcitrant ones—tha

t do not sacrifice the singularities of the local in their illustration and enactment of the global.”--- ZAHI ZALLOUA, Whitman College   “Digitalizing the Global Text stages a crucial intervention into discussions and debates around globalization and digitalization. How can we begin to imagine anew

a globalization and a digital sphere that do not merely translate into capitalist profiteering? This is the crucial question at once asked and answered by this collection.”--- CHRISTOPHER BREU, author of Insistence of the Material   “This is a timely and forthright collection on what happens to th

e cultural within forms of globalization and globality. Essays address not just the impact of popular culture but also attempt to understand how thinking itself is recalibrated between the shifting scales of local and global. A template for global cultural critique.”--- PETER HITCHCOCK, Baruch Colle

ge, City University of New York  


為了解決Satire Definition的問題,作者鄭楊銘 這樣論述:

隨著網路迅速發展,訊息間的傳遞也越來越快速,這些訊息也包含真實消息與不實消息,不實消息可能會對社會造成一定程度的負面影響。而在假新聞檢測中,文本特徵經常被作為討論指標,本研究以假新聞為研究對象,探討新聞中的文本特徵,我們將國外的英文新聞資料集作為研究樣本,參考過去的文獻使用到的文本特徵,包括文本特徵(Texual Features)、詞法特徵(Morphological Features)、詞彙特徵(Lexical Features)、句法特徵(Syntactic Features)與話語特徵(Discourse Features),透過監督式機器學習模型探討不同文本特徵組合下的效能。首先將


Daniel Defoe and the Representation of Personal Identity

為了解決Satire Definition的問題,作者Borsing, Christopher 這樣論述:

The concept of a personal identity was a contentious issue in the early eighteenth century. John Locke's philosophical discussion of personal identity in An Essay Concerning Human Understanding fostered a public debate upon the status of an immortal Christian soul. This book argues that Defoe, like

many of this age, had religious difficulties with Locke's empiricist analysis of human identity. In particular, it examines how Defoe explores competitive individualism as a social threat while also demonstrating the literary and psychological fiction of any concept of a separated, lone identity. Th

is foreshadows Michel Foucault's assertion that the idea of man is 'a recent invention, a figure not yet two centuries old, a new wrinkle in our knowledge'. The monograph's engagement with Defoe's destabilization of any definition or image of personal identity across a wide range of genres - includi

ng satire, political propaganda, history, conduct literature, travel narrative, spiritual autobiography, piracy and history, economic and scientific literature, rogue biography, scandalous and secret history, dystopian documentary, science fiction and apparition narrative - is an important and origi

nal contribution to the literary and cultural understanding of the early eighteenth century as it interrogates and challenges modern presumptions of individual identity. Christopher Borsing teaches in the School of English, TCD and in the Open Education Unit, Dublin City University, Ireland. After

a varied career as building labourer, kitchen porter, itinerant fruit picker, Tarot card reader, jobbing gardener and professional salesman of educational resources, he entered higher education in 2003 as a mature student at Trinity College Dublin where he was elected a Scholar, awarded a first-cla

ss degree in English Studies and conferred with his PhD.

3D 動畫《推手》之創作論述

為了解決Satire Definition的問題,作者陳冠伶 這樣論述:

  黑色幽默(black humor)是源自西方文化的一種藝術表現手法,除了以文字或對話表達之外,亦能由視覺圖像、色調或是透過鏡頭剪接的節奏感達到,而創作本身也必須透過搜集大量資料來提升作品層次。  本創作《推手》是以黑色幽默為基底,講述著網路霸凌的3D動畫短片。文獻部分首先探討黑色幽默的起源及定義,並且分別說明黑色幽默的表現形式以及藝術表現;接著從現代網路社會為議題出發點切入,觀察網友心態、網路現象、被害者之間的關聯,最後再分析相關動畫文本以幫助創作內容的發想及延伸。  故事中主要將霸凌者、被霸凌者以及旁觀者以三個面向呈現,並以主角阿喵所遇到一連串不合理的霸凌行為作為主軸,觀眾如同隔著螢幕

看著這一切悲劇發生,透過不和諧的畫面呈現,進而促使觀眾反思,進而審視自身的網路行為。  本創作將黑色幽默及網路元素融入其中,進行劇情與畫面動態設計;並根據創作流程列舉途中遇到的問題,期許本次創作內容能夠給予往後的創作者在相關類型的動畫創作上有參考依據。