persuasive arguments的問題,透過圖書和論文來找解法和答案更準確安心。 我們找到下列特價商品、必買資訊和推薦清單

persuasive arguments的問題,我們搜遍了碩博士論文和台灣出版的書籍,推薦寫的 My Country Is the World: Staughton Lynd’’s Speeches, Writings, Statements and Interviews Against the Vietnam War 和的 My Country Is the World: Staughton Lynd’s Speeches, Writings, Statements and Interviews Against the Vietnam War都 可以從中找到所需的評價。

這兩本書分別來自 和所出版 。

國立臺北大學 企業管理學系 謝錦堂、蔡顯童所指導 林佩儀的 YouTuber如何影響觀看者資訊採用意願?-多元理論觀點之模型 (2021),提出persuasive arguments關鍵因素是什麼,來自於YouTuber、推敲可能性模型、社會影響、社會認同、創新行為、趨同行為、資訊採用意願。

而第二篇論文亞洲大學 經營管理學系 曾明朗、陳志成所指導 陽朗迪的 印尼食品和飲料行業的可持續回收包裝:消費階段的混合決策分析 (2021),提出因為有 可持續包裝、消費過程、保護能力、環境交流、成本考慮、Choquet積分、模糊決策試驗評價實驗室的重點而找出了 persuasive arguments的解答。


除了persuasive arguments,大家也想知道這些:

My Country Is the World: Staughton Lynd’’s Speeches, Writings, Statements and Interviews Against the Vietnam War

為了解決persuasive arguments的問題,作者 這樣論述:

Staughton Lynd was one of the principal intellectuals and activists making the radical argument that the U.S. intervention in Vietnam was illegal under domestic and international law. Lynd was uncompromising in his courageous stance that the U.S. should immediately withdraw from Vietnam, and that so

ldiers and draftees should refuse to participate in the war based on their individual conscience and the Nuremberg Principles of 1950. Lynd did not just write about opposing the war, he was one of the chief proponents of direct action and civil disobedience to confront the war machine at the univers

ity, in the halls of power, and in everyday life through refusing to pay income taxes. As Staughton Lynd’s speeches, writings, statements and interviews demonstrate, there were coherent and persuasive arguments against the war in Vietnam based on U.S. and international law, precedents from American

history, and moral and ethical considerations based on conscientious objection to war and an internationalism embraced by American radicals which said: "My country is the world, my countrymen are all mankind." Luke Stewart is a historian focusing on the antiwar movements during the Vietnam War and

the global war on terror. He has co-edited Let Them Stay: U.S. War Resisters in Canada, 2004-2016. He currently lives in Nantes, France.

persuasive arguments進入發燒排行的影片


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Morris, Michael, et al. (2002) Schmooze or lose: Social friction and lubrication in e-mail negotiations.
Cheng, Joey T et al. (2016)Listen, follow me: Dynamic vocal signals of dominance predict emergent social rank in humans.
Stephen M. Smith et al. (1991) Celerity and Cajolery: Rapid Speech May Promote or Inhibit Persuasion through its Impact on Message Elaboration
Jerry M. Burger et al. (2001) The Effect of Fleeting Attraction on Compliance to Requests
Cory R. Scherer et al. (2005) Indecent influence: The positive effects of obscenity on persuasion
Adam M. Grant, et al. (2015) Busy brains, boasters' gains: Self-promotion effectiveness depends on audiences cognitive resources
Nora A. Murphy et al. (2015) Appearing Smart: The Impression Management of Intelligence, Person Perception Accuracy, and Behavior in Social Interaction
Weaver, Kimberlee,Garcia, Stephen M.,Schwarz, Norbert,Miller, Dale T.(2007) Inferring the popularity of an opinion from its familiarity: A repetitive voice can sound like a chorus.
Daniel J. O’Keefe. et al. (2008) Do Loss-Framed Persuasive Messages Engender Greater Message Processing Than Do Gain-Framed Messages? A Meta-Analytic Review
Aiwa Shirako, et al. (2015) Is there a place for sympathy in negotiation? Finding strength in weakness
Kumkale, G. et al. (2004)The Sleeper Effect in Persuasion: A Meta-Analytic Review.
Adam Grant(2014)How I Overcame the Fear of Public Speaking
advantages of being unpredictable: How emotional inconsistency extracts concessions in negotiation
Dariusz DolinskiaRichard Nawratb et al. (1998) Fear-Then-Relief” Procedure for Producing Compliance: Beware When the Danger Is Over
Franklin J. Boster et al. (2009) Dump-and-Chase: The Effectiveness of Persistence as a Sequential Request Compliance-Gaining Strategy
Boaz Hameiri, et al. (2014) Paradoxical thinking as a new avenue of intervention to promote peace
Chenhao Tan et al. (2016) Winning Arguments: Interaction Dynamics and Persuasion Strategies in Good-faith Online Discussions

※この動画は、上記の参考資料および、動画を元に考察したもので、あくまで一説であり、真偽を確定するものではありません。リサーチ協力の鈴木祐さんの論文解説チャンネルもオススメです→ #今なら


為了解決persuasive arguments的問題,作者林佩儀 這樣論述:

本研究整合多元理論探討YouTuber與觀看者之間的互動關係,具體而言,以「推敲可能性模型(Elaboration Likelihood Model, ELM)」、「社會影響理論(Social Influence Model)」與「社會認同理論(Social Identity Theory, SIT)」,建構YouTuber如何影響觀看者的資訊採用決策模型。本研究採用非隨機準實驗設計法(Quasi-Experiment Method)進行多元實證資料蒐集,以偏最小平方結構方程模型進行分析與假說驗證。透過620位曾使用社群媒體或YouTube的樣本分析結果顯示:YouTuber的「可信賴性(T

rustworthiness)」、「專業性(Expertise)」與「相似性(Similarity)」,內容的「創新性(Innovativeness)」、「豐富性(Richness)」與「關鍵多數(Critical Mass)」會透過「來源吸引力(Source Attractiveness)」與「資訊可信度(Information Credibility)」中介機制進一步影響觀看者的資訊採用意願(Adoption Intention),涉及了「順從(Compliance)-關鍵多數」、「認同(Identification)-來源吸引力」與「內化(Internalization)-資訊可信度」三


My Country Is the World: Staughton Lynd’s Speeches, Writings, Statements and Interviews Against the Vietnam War

為了解決persuasive arguments的問題,作者 這樣論述:

Staughton Lynd was one of the principal intellectuals and activists making the radical argument that the U.S. intervention in Vietnam was illegal under domestic and international law. Lynd was uncompromising in his courageous stance that the U.S. should immediately withdraw from Vietnam, and that so

ldiers and draftees should refuse to participate in the war based on their individual conscience and the Nuremberg Principles of 1950. Lynd did not just write about opposing the war, he was one of the chief proponents of direct action and civil disobedience to confront the war machine at the univers

ity, in the halls of power, and in everyday life through refusing to pay income taxes. As Staughton Lynd’s speeches, writings, statements and interviews demonstrate, there were coherent and persuasive arguments against the war in Vietnam based on U.S. and international law, precedents from American

history, and moral and ethical considerations based on conscientious objection to war and an internationalism embraced by American radicals which said: "My country is the world, my countrymen are all mankind." Luke Stewart is a historian focusing on the antiwar movements during the Vietnam War and

the global war on terror. He has co-edited Let Them Stay: U.S. War Resisters in Canada, 2004-2016. He currently lives in Nantes, France.


為了解決persuasive arguments的問題,作者陽朗迪 這樣論述:

