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國立中正大學 資訊管理系醫療資訊管理研究所 阮金聲所指導 李明易的 影響民眾使用健康穿戴式裝置意圖之因素研究 (2015),提出Purchase record Temp關鍵因素是什麼,來自於穿戴式裝置、健康行為、解構式計畫行為理論、任務-科技適配模式。

而第二篇論文國立臺北藝術大學 文創產業國際藝術碩士學位學程 林亞婷所指導 榮潭雅的 臺灣兒童音樂劇《法蘭茲與好朋友們海底歷險記》的行銷策略:以加拿大市場為例 (2014),提出因為有 國際市場營銷、表演藝術、劇場、兒童音樂劇的重點而找出了 Purchase record Temp的解答。


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為了解決Purchase record Temp的問題,作者李明易 這樣論述:

數位資訊科技的蓬勃發展、健康保健意識的抬頭,促使民眾開始進行預防性的健康行為,也因為資訊科技的發達,讓民眾管理健康的方式越來越多元化,穿戴式裝置的出現,引領著民眾進入一個嶄新的行動裝置時代;民眾開始對於能否隨時隨地可以操作行動健康管理APP以及穿戴式裝置,收集、管理與分析各項生命特徵需求大增,能否讓健康行為更有效率。本研究以解構式計畫行為理論(Decomposed Theory of Planned Behavior, DTPB)為基礎,並且結合任務-科技適配模式(Task-Technology Fit Model, TTF),探討民眾對於使用穿戴式裝置進行個人健康行為的使用意圖,進而瞭解民

眾使用穿戴式裝置之態度、主觀規範以及知覺行為控制下之關係。本研究以網路問卷發放,研究對象為曾使用過穿戴式裝置的民眾,總共蒐集528份有效問卷,經由統計軟體SPSS 22.0和Smart PLS 3.2去驗證各變數間的假設關係及依變數間的解釋能力,而整體研究架構之解釋力為56.8%。1. 民眾使用穿戴式裝置進行個人健康管理會受到態度、主觀規範和知覺行為控制等三個變項正向影響。2. 個人健康管理-穿戴式裝置功能之適配度對知覺有用性和知覺易用性有顯著正向影響;而民眾的態度會受到知覺有用性、知覺易用性及相容性正向影響。4. 人際影響和外部影響顯著正向影響民眾的主觀規範。5. 電腦自我效能以及互補品協助



為了解決Purchase record Temp的問題,作者榮潭雅 這樣論述:

ABSTRACTThe experience of attending to a foreign acclaimed children’s musical might be slightly different than attending to one that has just started to search for an international audience. What might work in the local market might not precisely has the same result overseas. Considering that some

specific characteristics such as, the language, the cultural background, the consumers preferences and behaviors, and the social – economic environment, could represent an immense barrier for the “product” that is expected to be placed in a foreign country. All these parameters influence their citiz

ens and their reaction towards what is still distinct or nonnative.As a new product to be sold, and the little resources to study a market overseas profoundly, this proposal will approach only to three important foundations in a marketing plan, for instance: the market and situation analysis in Cana

da, the market segmentation and customer analysis, and lastly the proposed marketing strategies. With the main purpose to address to the most appropriate, suitable and celebrated Children’s Theatre Festivals in Canada; in an attempt to convey for a consideration to take the children’s musical Franz

& Friends, Voyage Undersea- produced by Taipei Arts International Association (TAIA), on a tour.Information available on numerous digital official Canadian governmental websites and reports, journals, magazines, books, e-books, and articles from specialists and testimonies from artistic directors, p

ublicists, and most importantly under the supervision from Taipei Arts International Association, were all gather to unify this proposal.