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亞洲大學 經營管理學系 林佩冠、紀慧如所指導 何宣霈的 以動態能力之觀點探討企業如何對抗疫情 -以Uber、Lyft、Didi、Grab、Ola 為例 (2021),提出Online virus scan fi關鍵因素是什麼,來自於新冠肺炎、動態能力、動態環境、新常態、共享經濟。

而第二篇論文國立臺北科技大學 電資學院外國學生專班(iEECS) 黃有評所指導 NAING TUN的 Classification of Covid-19 X-Ray Images using Convolutional Neural Network (2021),提出因為有 Covid-19、World Health Organization、X-ray images、Deep Learning、CNN、VGG16、Xception的重點而找出了 Online virus scan fi的解答。


除了Online virus scan fi,大家也想知道這些:

以動態能力之觀點探討企業如何對抗疫情 -以Uber、Lyft、Didi、Grab、Ola 為例

為了解決Online virus scan fi的問題,作者何宣霈 這樣論述:

從2019 年爆發以來,新冠肺炎 (COVID-19)成為人類和經濟方面上最具破壞性的大傳染病之一。而企業必須從適合的理論及架構中調整商業策略,進而幫助企業在這種劇烈變化中生存下去。隨著世界適應新的封鎖(封城)生活型態並透過“社交距離”的執行,藉而避免病毒擴散,企業也被迫尋找新的收入方式,適應非接觸式經營模式,並隨時與顧客保持“密切”之關係,提供安全環境及體驗。在疫情危機時期,企業、政府及人民建立出信任和團結的新社會凝聚力及包容性勢必是實現雙贏的必要步驟。透過系統式回顧(Systematic Review) 以及動態能力(Dynamic Capabilities)之架構進行文獻回顧,本論文分

析532篇有關以上5大共享汽車業者 (Uber、Lyft、滴滴、Ola 和 Grab) 這5大知名共享汽車和電子召車公司,之報導及文章,導論出“6S 子架構”(6S Sub-constructs),包含1-安全(SAFETY),2-掃描(SCAN),3-系統(SYSTEM),4-支援(SUPPORT), 5-擴散(SPREAD),6-速度(SPEED)。透過 6S 子結構和我們的研究結果,本論文也提出有關共享經濟領域的企業在動態環境成為新常態的情況下,該如何調整管理和行銷策略:1-提供安全和無病毒的行車體驗,在新常態下的汽車共享業務將是首要任務。2-利用各種技術創新來降低風險,例如使用即時人臉

識別掃描來檢測駕駛員和乘客是否戴口罩,以及與政府和足跡追踪系統合作,都是提高安全性的另一種方式。3-通過金融/保險援助來調整企業文化/結構,或提供免費或打折的疫苗接種點乘車服務,來支援社區安全,並同時保護自己的車隊人員,來為所有利害關係人提供心理上之安心。4-隨著非接觸式送貨的需求激增,在大流行期間或之後擴展相關新服務或業務,是產生更多收入的必要策略。5-企業應持續應用 SAFETY、SCAN、SYSTEM、SUPPORT 和 SPREAD 的子結構,將抗擊疫情作為新常態。

Classification of Covid-19 X-Ray Images using Convolutional Neural Network

為了解決Online virus scan fi的問題,作者NAING TUN 這樣論述:

Covid-19 (novel coronavirus pneumonia) is a new virus that is producing a global epidemic. The WHO confirmed its position in the worldwide pandemic connected to the surge of Covid-19 infections on March 12, 2020. The virus has spread across the planet. Laboratory procedures, such as reviewing chest

CT pictures of a patient's lungs, have been done several times by medical experts in order to obtain consistent findings for patients. It plays an important role in clinical treatment and educational tasks. To prevent and restrict the spread of Covid-19, it is critical to diagnose people with the c

ondition as soon as possible. Many nations do not have PCR evaluations for Covid-19 detection, and their dependability and performance have been questioned. While the majority of Covid-19 patients suffered mild to severe respiratory disease, a small number of them developed fatal pneumonia. We attem

pted to categorize a images of the patient's chest from Covid-19 in this study that two folders have been formed for training and testing. Both accuracy and F1 score are employed to determine the results. VGG16, Xception, and traditional CNN are used in this study. There are 64 batches in all and 20

0 training epochs in the training model. Typical CNN models were used to assess the classification accuracy, F1 score, precision, and recall of Coronavirus disease, normal, and viral pneumonia are 96.55 %, 92.31%, 92.31%, and 92.31%, respectively. Coronavirus disease, viral pneumonia, and normal cla

ssification accuracy, F1 score, precision, and recall for VGG16 and Xception are 92.31%, 81.25%, 68.42%, and 100%, and 84.62%, 64.87%, 50.00%, and 92.31%, respectively.