China renewable ener的問題,透過圖書和論文來找解法和答案更準確安心。 我們找到下列特價商品、必買資訊和推薦清單

國立中興大學 全球事務研究跨洲碩士學位學程 蘇義淵所指導 葉孟安的 複合式海洋空間使用 : 歐洲國家與台灣的離岸再生能源之法律與政策比較研究 (2021),提出China renewable ener關鍵因素是什麼,來自於。

而第二篇論文逢甲大學 智慧城市碩士學位學程 林嘉韋、周天穎所指導 林霖的 建築資訊模型應用於建築節能效益評估 (2021),提出因為有 建築資訊模型、建築效能分析、建築節能、永續建築、建築耗能的重點而找出了 China renewable ener的解答。


除了China renewable ener,大家也想知道這些:

複合式海洋空間使用 : 歐洲國家與台灣的離岸再生能源之法律與政策比較研究

為了解決China renewable ener的問題,作者葉孟安 這樣論述:

This thesis aims to provide renewable energy policy recommendations for Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands, and Taiwan to promote offshore floating solar photovoltaic installations and multiple uses of space. For this reason, a comparative legislation and policy study between the four countries anal

yzes the offshore renewable energy policies. It especially considers the countries’ concept of maritime space dimensions. The data for the comparison consists primarily of literature and policy review. To generate meaningful recommendations for the individual nations, the four countries’ renewable e

nergy policies and targets to mitigate carbon dioxide emissions are investigated in detail. Followed by the analysis of the latest target achievements and the examination of issues hindering the development of renewable energies on land. The research identified several similar concerns such as land

scarcity, resistance in the population, or conflict of interests between authorities. As a result, the countries are urged to identify and allocate alternative locations to renewable energy sources or develop new technologies. The solution specified in this thesis is the maritime space. The work dis

covers that all four countries consider maritime space as a possible electricity generation source. However, except for the Netherlands, none of the other countries contemplates the multiple uses of space concept in more detail in their maritime spatial planning. This concept makes offshore wind far

m areas accessible for other offshore renewable energy technologies such as offshore floating solar PV systems. Consequently, the research recommends that the other three countries revise their laws and policies considering the space dimensions to make the concept feasible. Other recommendations inc

lude that the Netherlands and Germany expand their electricity grid system. Belgium needs to speed up the offshore renewable energy development since it has not reached its 2020 gross final energy consumption target. Last, Taiwan must improve its coordination between authorities to establish a quali

tative marine spatial plan.


為了解決China renewable ener的問題,作者林霖 這樣論述:

建築資訊模型(BIM)的崛起使其在建築生命週期中發揮重大的作用,參與了從前期的設計規劃到後期的維護營運的每一個環節。雖然部分政府部門在公共工程有導入運用BIM技術,以此提升營建生產力,但BIM的發展使其的功用遠超於此。其中,BIM的應用可協助制定出高性能的建築設計方案,從而減少建築的能源消耗,實現永續建築,並衍生出Green BIM這個概念。本研究將延續此概念,瞭解建築節能設計與BIM之間產生的關聯,透過彙整過往研究與文獻中提出的節能設計,利用BIM模擬節能設計的效果,使用相關的效能模擬軟體因應台灣的氣候條件進行建築能耗評估分析,以此分析不同設計之功能與節能效益,優化建築設計,從而得出BIM

如何在建築節能設計中發揮其作用。根據BIM的特點,歸納建築節能設計與BIM應用的核心摘要為:(1)建立3D建築模型、(2)匯入建築資訊、(3)建築效能分析(Building Performance Analysis)、(4)永續建築設計。本研究之成果貢獻為呈現BIM在參與節能設計和節能效益評估的應用情形與效果,提供業界未來BIM導入節能設計、效能評估之決策參考,並對未來Green BIM的研究提供延伸基礎,希望對在這方面的研究者有參考的價值。